Map of Newport
Sanborn Map
Sanborn Map
Eric is a co-owner of Terror Farm. He is a certified safety inspector for haunted houses, and runs the build crew. Eric ensures the safety at the haunt for the benefit of the patrons and actors and has final say over all aspects of design safety.
Kevin is a co-owner of Terror Farm. He is the writer and creative director and designer of the haunt, in charge of set detailing, a makeup artist and the main actor instructor. Kevin is the photographer for all modeling shoots. Kevin plays “the Mange” in queue.
Jo is a make-up artist and actor at Terror Farm. Jo’s make-up skills are first class, and she is a talented model as a Woman of Terror Farm. And, thank god, she is a great party planner!
Ryan is an an actor and builder. Owner of Rueger Electric, Ryan’s skills are invaluable come build season. Ryan is a skilled set detailer and designs and builds professional escape rooms.
Max plays Dick Dock the Clown in queue line, a favorite of pretty much everyone. A talented and fearless actor, Terror Farm has provided Max his start on what will be a long (and he hopes profitable) career in the entertainment industry.
Known by most as DW, Brittan started as an actor in Kevin’s charity haunted houses, and has been a mainstay every year. DW is always entertaining, and a haunt main-stay.
Scott is the man. Winner of two Haunter of the year awards, and the driver of the Terror Farm themed late model race car, Scott is also the builder that does the jobs that no one else can do. Most of us play at Haunt acting - Scott is legitimately a monster.
Jess is a zone manager and character actor, playing the roles of both Winnie Kleinbauer and Anna Roux. A tireless scrounger, she has put her stamp on Terror Farm by providing some unique and disturbing props.
Matt always puts a unique spin on any role he is given and is the winner of a Haunter of the Year award. But Matt is best loved by us as the director of the Welcome To Terror Farm Video, which unquestionably kicks ass.
Addison is pound for pound the scariest actress we have. Her screams shatter glass and her haunt timing is awesome!
Mark plays the French Serial Killer Dusang Roux and set the tone for the haunt in its first years. Mark was a theater major in college, and is hosting actor workshops for the haunt in 2021.
Cori is an energetic and enthusiastic actress. She often shows up on haunt nights in her own make-up and masks.
Kevin has acted with us for several years, and advertises the haunt on his stock race car.
Gervase has worked in the haunt industry for years and owns the business The Darkest Nights Amusements. He is a zone leader, head of the Corpse Corps and an amazing scene detailer.
Sammie is always up for a haunt night and fills every role we give him as one of our floating actors.
Jackie has haunting experience going way back, which she uses to great benefit at Terror Farm!
Victoria is a stalwart role player, with good timing and high acting skills.
Alex joined us in the second year and quickly got the hang of haunt timing. We expect big things from him this year!
Britt is the zone manager for Dr. Spatterdash’s Veterinary Clinic, one of the more chaotic and crazy areas in our haunt. She also works tirelessly with Eric as a member of the build crew.
Hayli is always the life of the party. But she is also a crazy hard worker on build crew and will make the most of any acting role she is given. We are looking for big things from her in 2021.
Seth is a tireless worker around the haunt and a fun and talented scare actor. He works hand in hand with Addison to up the “creep factor” in the haunt.
Mike is a hardcore scare actor. He is always on the move in the haunt, and wears his own costumes.
Jacob joined us in year two and very quickly showed a willingness to get dirty and scare hard!
John has over 30 years experience as a haunt actor. He also helps with build and electrical work at the haunt.
Sue works behind the scenes making sure your experience at the haunt was a pleasant one.
Taira is a mainstay on the build crew, and, more importantly, a constant provider of snacks and treats for everyone! This year she will take on increased roles in marketing the haunt.
Gigi has been with Terror Farm since the beginning. She is willing to fill any role asked of her and has a wicked sense of humor.
Trinity and Kyra have performed a lot of varied tasks for the haunt. Looking forward to seeing what they bring in 2021!
Hayden is a natural haunt actor, but his real talent is in music. Hayden wrote the lyrics and music for the song featured in the Welcome to Terror Farm video - AND played every instrument. What he is doing with us is a bit of a mystery.
Dalton helps out in queue line and is a talented actor and choreographer. And he is just pretty much the nicest guy ever.
An imposing presence, Barry is a foul mouthed and intimidating haunt actor. On build crew he picks things up and puts things down.
Roger and Scott are a great acting team. Roger has acted with Kevin from the very beginning, and Scott is well known for his creepy physicality.
Rachel and Daniel are two of our most talented improvisors and character actors. Really second to none they play he roles that help drive the story forward. They also got more into the build recently designing and rehauling the boiler room scene. These are not actors to be messed with.
Laura is an intimidating presence in all our hillbilly scenes - not to be messed with!
Brandon and Ashley head up the transportation and parking crews, getting you to and from the haunt parking lots.
Abigail is a ton of fun to have around. A real role player, we expect her to take on a big role this year!
Jamie is the main usher and ticket taker. One day, we are going to get a mask on her!
No one person has contributed to the haunt more than Bill. He has a wealth of knowledge on how to get things done, is instrumental in all aspects of the build, especially when the projects are big and dirty. There might not be a Terror Farm without Mr. Bill.
Kassidy has become a haunt favorite in record time. The star of the Welcome to Terror Farm video, her toughness and dedication is awesome. We love her.
Skyler is quiet and reserved in his daily life. But when he shows up on haunt nights, he is insane. Period. Like, no joke. Dude is crazy.
Cory and Liz are physical and aggressive scare actors. Cory can usually be found swinging a chainsaw around, but we think Liz’s voice is scarier than the saw!
Alexis is the haunt mom and watches out for everyone. But she has a mean streak a mile wide when she gets into costume and a voice that cuts across the entire haunted house.
Derek heads up all the security operations, and is a monster on build crew. You just won’t know him, because he is a ghost on social media.
Jess is always a positive presence on haunt nights, and has the difficult job of floating in different scenes from week to week.
Trevor was a part time volunteer actor, but after helping with our latest music video we are hoping to have him back full time to help scare!
Brianna was a fan favorite acting as “pukey” in year one of the haunt. Everyone loves her commitment and energy!
Kathy, Cheryl, and Chrys head up our ticket booth. Probably the hardest job there is on a busy night!
Taleah is a total professional, with scary timing and a willing to act in any area of the haunt, without notice.
Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Donec ac fringilla turpis.
Death photo - exact identity of decedent is unknown, though it was common Victorian practice to photograph those who passed on. What is known is that this decedent was posed following the “Cushla” murder and based upon apparent age is presumably the father. However, the decedent may also be an uncle that lived with the family. Photo Courtesy of Arrington Mortuary.
The Barren Family - photo taken 1889 approximately 8 months prior to disappearance - photo was found in luggage following disappearance and provided courtesy of Perry Penn Historical Association
Skyler Barnes, Borough Council President - (front row, left) and family - Photo courtesy of Barnes Estate
Meeting called to Order by President Skyler Barnes. Minutes from last meeting read. Motion to Approve made and seconded. Treasury Report read. Motion to Approve made and seconded.
President Barnes addressed new business - A traveling carnival has approached the Borough and requested license to set up vending and entertainment. Carnival is referred to as “Dougherty’s Flying Fleas and Freakshow”. President Barnes met with Richard Dougherty - owner. Meeting went poorly. President believes owner of carnival is not a man of moral character. President believes that odious nature of owner of carnival is not in keeping with business practices within the borough. Questions regarding morality of freakshow were not sufficiently answered. President expressed concern regarding carnival’s use of female performers, and inappropriate dress by said performers (i.e. flying Fleas) for acts that had potential to expose said female in a manner that could incite a prurient response. Issue of female performers costuming not sufficiently addressed. President Barnes expressed concerns regarding rumors heard from neighboring municipalities of petty theft and use of opium and hallucinogenics by carnival employees. Said issue addressed by Mr. Dougherty through vulgar hand gesture to the President. President Barnes now suffering from the vapors and plans to convalesce appropriately.
Motion made to deny license and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Roux Children and Cousins - photo courtesy of Penchant Pillory, Esquire, Roux Estate Attorney
Anna Roux - photo believed to have been taken in France, several years prior to arrival in U.S. Exact date unknown. Photo found in 1988 during renovation of Roux mansion, and now kept by current owners.
This is the only known photo of Mortimer Uriah Arrington - later dubbed Mort. U. Ary by local townsfolk.
The following is an excerpt from an interview with the bartender at the Newport Pub, Jackson Gilbish -
“so guy this guy Mr. Palmer comes in same as always… frankly we call him Mr. Palmer but I have no idea if Palmer is his first name or his last… anyway, he takes his spot at the bar and as usual, people move away immediately… I mean the guy smells fowl, but he pays his tab and so I just put up with it…”
“anyway this night the Palmer guy, he is more chatty than normal… starts talking about how much he loves his work… how amazing the human body is, when it’s ‘still and cold’… it’s flippin’ creepy I tell you… and he goes on and on and I can’t even repeat it… and the railroaders sitting at a table near by, they start to hear this… and again I ain’t even repeating most of what Palmer says about what he does at that place cause it ain’t godly… but suffice to say these railroaders heard it all, and they grab him… now this guy… Palmer… he was a big guy, I guess from moving those bodies around, and I wasn’t sure he couldn’t take out the whole bar if he wanted to… but he just let’s them pull him off the stool… straight down to the ground… and the railroaders start kicking and beating him… and I grab a shotgun I keep under the bar cause I’m sure this is gonna get bad when he gets up… but he just lays there taking it… taking it… I remember the railroaders breathing heavy from beating him so frantically… but then… then this Palmer, he starts laughing… laughing louder and harder than any laugh I ever heard in my life…. reminds me then and reminds me still of what the devil must laugh like… I’ll tell ya… I thought the things he said he did with the bodies would haunt me forever… but they don’t keep me up at night… what keep me up is the sound of that laugh… just ringing out…”
Photo courtesy of Newport Resident, Brittan Crockett
This is a rare photo from within the veterinary hospital, circa 1971. Depicted is the surgeon known only to staff and cult members as “Deadweight”.
Scott Landis, prior to his arrest for murder of two teenagers - photo courtesy of his ex-wife, Alexis Landis
The Commonwealth State Police released Scott Landis following presentation and proof of alibi. Landis was arrested for the murder of two teenagers who snuck into his junkyard on August 14th of this year. The teenagers were discovered disemboweled and mutilated and placed in the trunk of a 1951 Mercury Coupe. Landis, a well known and petulant drinker, was initially unable to account for his whereabouts on August 14 and thus was the primary suspect. However, several locals came forward and indicated that Landis, who races late models, was actually at the Port Royal Speedway on that date, where he placed 4th overall. Landis was apparently too intoxicated to remember the race, which several racing enthusiasts believe accounts for his better than average racing performance that night.
Terror Farm will be closed for 2020 due to concerns regarding Covid-19.
Words can not express how difficult this decision was for us to make. Terror Farm was set to take a huge leap this year in intensity, with all new builds, a huge expansion of scare zones, and even more of the over the top quality acting you have come to expect. We were looking forward to entertaining record crowds this year and making Halloween special for all our guests.
But despite our best efforts, we have been unable to get clear guidance on what will be expected for haunted attractions to safely operate in the age of Covid-19. Safety for our actors and our patrons has always been the top priority at Terror Farm, and we are thankful that we have never had to compromise our art in order to make our attraction safe. However because of the unique nature of our haunted attraction, which takes place in and around a 150 year old haunted mill, there is simply no way to provide a quality scare product and to do so within the anticipated restrictions dictated by the Governor in Pennsylvania. Our haunt is tight, claustrophobic, in your face, and scary. Our monsters and madmen simply can not stay six feet away from their prey - and we’d be fools to ask them to.
In this strange time, we found ourselves battling with a lot of contradictory information. All year we have asked ourselves - what are the risks of letting people come to our haunt? Could our actors get sick? What if a patron is infected by another patron in our ticket line or queue line - how would we feel? Are we being responsible to the amazing community that has embraced us and accepted us if we open?
Who is telling us the truth about the risks involved?
And that was the ultimate question. Who is telling us the truth? And when we could not reach a consensus about that among ourselves, we decided to put the health and safety of everyone above all else. And we decided that we would rather be closed for a year than water down the scares and compromise our vision that is “Terror Farm”.
This will be a tough year, but we are going to continue to build and create and are prepared to crush 2021. In the meantime, if you support our decision, please give us a “like” and continue to follow us and support us. We will do our best to entertain you virtually until we can welcome you back in person. If you do not support our decision - make no mistake - Terror Farm is decidedly non-political and by closing we are neither acquiescing to pressure nor are we accepting one version of reality over another. We embrace the politically incorrect but otherwise accept that people have a right to their own opinion. We are here to entertain, not to press an agenda. And as should be the case with all artists - we will not have an agenda pressed upon us.
Finally, remember - every single haunted attraction is different and every haunt is struggling with the same questions. Haunts in Pennsylvania with different physical layouts may have no difficulty in complying with Covid regulations. If a haunt decides to open and believes that they can do so safely, by all means support them and give them your business. We certainly will.
Because in the end, we love Halloween, and we support all who love Halloween. And we hope you do too.
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