Newport Borough Council
Skyler Barnes, Borough Council President - (front row, left) and family - Photo courtesy of Barnes Estate
Borough Council Meeting Minutes - October 1905
Meeting called to Order by President Skyler Barnes. Minutes from last meeting read. Motion to Approve made and seconded. Treasury Report read. Motion to Approve made and seconded.
President Barnes addressed new business - A traveling carnival has approached the Borough and requested license to set up vending and entertainment. Carnival is referred to as “Dougherty’s Flying Fleas and Freakshow”. President Barnes met with Richard Dougherty - owner. Meeting went poorly. President believes owner of carnival is not a man of moral character. President believes that odious nature of owner of carnival is not in keeping with business practices within the borough. Questions regarding morality of freakshow were not sufficiently answered. President expressed concern regarding carnival’s use of female performers, and inappropriate dress by said performers (i.e. flying Fleas) for acts that had potential to expose said female in a manner that could incite a prurient response. Issue of female performers costuming not sufficiently addressed. President Barnes expressed concerns regarding rumors heard from neighboring municipalities of petty theft and use of opium and hallucinogenics by carnival employees. Said issue addressed by Mr. Dougherty through vulgar hand gesture to the President. President Barnes now suffering from the vapors and plans to convalesce appropriately.
Motion made to deny license and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.